So it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been pretty busy with my uni studies and haven’t had an opportunity to post. So today i wanted to post on a few of the things I’ve been working on or learnt that I think might help some of you out there.
First of all, is what i like to call my “daily change mechanism”. Which is basically as simple as this: Each day you choose to do something that is going to better yourself in some way. This doesn’t mean things like cleaning the house so you don’t feel stressed, although it’s a good idea. What the idea is, is to implement an activity that will result in changing YOU. My main example, (because this is one I’ve been using frequently with a lot of success) is writing with your non-dominant hand. Now this may seem like a simple “pffft” type of thing but studies show that using your non-dominant hand for writing or drawing tasks activates more neural path ways. Why should you care? Well not only does opening up those new neural pathways allow you the opportunity to use them in developing richer and more dense grey matter which will have a carry on effects in everything else you do, but in the interest of motor control it allows you to progressively develop better hand co-ordination and non-dominant hand skills. Since I started this exercise I’ve greatly improved my non-dominant hand skills to the point of nearly being ambidextrous in the space of less than a month. Defiantly something useful! Not only that, I feel sharper, which made me decide my next “daily change mechanism” was going to take advantage of this improved cognitive ability and learn to speed read. As you can see, the idea behind a daily change mechanism is in constantly improving your skills and yourself into becoming the greatest possible version of you!
So here’s a small one to get the ball rolling:
●Start off writing 5 easy sentences a day e.g. “the cat sat on the mat”
● after you’ve developed that to where it starts becoming easy, move on to writing out the alphabet in lower and upper case
●Once you’ve mastered that, try writing small fluent paragraphs, whatever comes to mind, i recommend using it to document how you feel you are improving
●Next move on to drawing 2- 3 small pictures
● finally try to use your new found skill as frequently as you can during your day so that it feels natural .e.g. writing a shopping list or making notes.
There is a technique in the muscular rehabilitation world known as CIMT, which stands for Constraint Imposed Muscular Therapy. Which works on a very similar basis of supplementing your good limb for using your bad one to try and develop motor control, and is proven to be very effective.
The idea is, pick something you think is going to improve yourself and implement it into your everyday life. Develop the idea that you can always make yourself greater than you are and soon you will find that your goals that used to seem so far away have been well exceeded.
Leave a comment below on methods or idea’s you might have ore have used to improve yourself every day.