Motivation is an amazing thing; it allows us the capability to achieve far beyond expectations. It is an important part of every single aspect of our lives and furthermore, it is the ultimate tool for driving your desire.
I wrote previously about desire and its ability to drive you towards your goals. And it's true; desire is the measure by which you construct your dream life. However you cannot achieve your desires without first being motivated. A lot of you who read my article on desire probably walked away feeling highly motivated to start taking steps towards making your desires a reality, but probably after a couple of days, that original motivation will start to wear away and you'll be stuck in the same rut you began in. This is where motivation comes in. Now motivation is two parts mental and one part physical, meaning that you’re going to have to really work on the mental side of things to get good and constantly turning that motivation physical. Why? Well there are two psychologically recognized forms of motivation. The first is called intrinsic motivation, meaning an internal motivation, and the second is called extrinsic motivation meaning an external motivation. Now it's important to note that both are good, but entirely for their own reasons. Intrinsic motivation is internally driven, it comes from your own mindset and is entirely dependent on you feeding it with your desires and ensuring that you keep it positively driven. Extrinsic motivation is entirely external and is motivated from outside influence, this is things like someone offering you money or reward to do or achieve something at a certain level, or someone positively encouraging you to do something.
So how do you utilize these forms motivation as tools to aid you in creating your success? Well if your motivation is feeding your ability to manifest your desires then you need to constantly be using positive motivation to always stay ahead, if your motivation wavers, so does the level of likeliness that you’re going to be able to obtain your desires. This all sounds very straightforward but how do you put it into action?
I wrote previously about desire and its ability to drive you towards your goals. And it's true; desire is the measure by which you construct your dream life. However you cannot achieve your desires without first being motivated. A lot of you who read my article on desire probably walked away feeling highly motivated to start taking steps towards making your desires a reality, but probably after a couple of days, that original motivation will start to wear away and you'll be stuck in the same rut you began in. This is where motivation comes in. Now motivation is two parts mental and one part physical, meaning that you’re going to have to really work on the mental side of things to get good and constantly turning that motivation physical. Why? Well there are two psychologically recognized forms of motivation. The first is called intrinsic motivation, meaning an internal motivation, and the second is called extrinsic motivation meaning an external motivation. Now it's important to note that both are good, but entirely for their own reasons. Intrinsic motivation is internally driven, it comes from your own mindset and is entirely dependent on you feeding it with your desires and ensuring that you keep it positively driven. Extrinsic motivation is entirely external and is motivated from outside influence, this is things like someone offering you money or reward to do or achieve something at a certain level, or someone positively encouraging you to do something.
So how do you utilize these forms motivation as tools to aid you in creating your success? Well if your motivation is feeding your ability to manifest your desires then you need to constantly be using positive motivation to always stay ahead, if your motivation wavers, so does the level of likeliness that you’re going to be able to obtain your desires. This all sounds very straightforward but how do you put it into action?
The first step in defining your own motivational plan is determining what forms of motivation work best for you. If you find yourself to be less internally motivated and perhaps you speak negatively to yourself, extrinsic motivation may help but it’s not going to remedy the problem. The key is to use a healthy dose of internal and external to promote and optimum environment for you to stay motivated. Even the best of us get down some days, and that’s an prime opportunity to use extrinsic motivation as a pick me up, or perhaps you just need to give yourself that really solid pep talk before you commit to whatever the situation may be. Observation is a big part of this, the more you observe how you feel; the better you can diagnose yourself a motivational counter attack.
It’s important to remember that you can craft the life you desire, it’s all a matter of deciding how, what, when and where, and for you that time is now.
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