Due to an influx of popular new thought style books focusing on the law of attraction and other ideas, people seem to have the perception that you can simply materialize things with your thoughts. Now this isn't necessarily true, however the whole idea of thoughts becoming things is not necessarily a lie either.
When we create a thought of something we desire, no matter what it is, we are putting our intent out there that this is what we desire. Now although the whole concept behind the law of attraction and other similar ideas is that the universe will bring your intended desire to you, it is a bit misleading. In reality, you think a thought, put your intent out there, and then by putting your thought out there you become more consciously aware of resolutions for solving how to manifest your desire. For example, let’s say you want to become healthier. You put your desire out there by thinking about how healthy you want to be, once you have done that, your intent is there. You are consciously aware that you want to be healthier, so the next time a situation arises that you might have an opportunity to get healthier, you will be more inclined to jump on the situation. This could be something like walking through a shopping centre and seeing a special on to join a gym and deciding to join because it fits with your new intended desire, or meeting someone who is a personal trainer or doctor and deciding to ask them how you might go about getting healthier. You may think that this is the universe bringing in opportunities to grant your desires, but in reality, the work is all up to you. You plant your own intentions in your mind and subconsciously remind yourself to take steps to fulfil those desires whenever possible.
This may be disheartening if you have a strong belief that the universe is what is really going to bring you your success, but this the reality. Your brain has the power to grant you your deepest desires, by you funnelling in idea’s and it spitting out solutions to your subconscious, that’s empowering stuff, so celebrate the power of your brain and go out and start creating your success.
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