Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gaining real power

I’m writing this with something probably very similar in mind to what your thinking right now, that is, if you are a person who aspires to be or do something with your life, yet feels somewhat held back, doesn’t know where to start, or perhaps are just anxious about the whole idea in general.

Now the truth is, I’m not a motivational writer, or a guru or even a counselor; in fact some would probably look at me and say that I’m not equipped to give advice. Why? Perhaps it’s to do with my youth, I’m a 20 year old student, so couldn’t possibly have the experience to tell those of you out there who have “lived it” how it’s done. No perhaps it’s my approach, something free from a person of the “Gen-Y” label is sure to be a trick, a scam or any other form of deceit, take your pick. The truth is, what im giving. It is free. Why? That begs a good question. While we are living in an ever growing world of consumerism, why not choose to rake in some money from the average sap. While, I’d be lieing if I said I didn’t want money, that’s true, but by moral choice it wouldn’t be from depriving people of something of such value. I, like most people, dream of a life of rich’s. Good food, fine company, vast treasures and a good life, but never at the expense of others. Which is why I write this.

What I discovered, it isn’t new, it isn’t original, and to some it will pass straight over their heads without a second though. But when you really take the time to pause and let it sink in, you realize exactly how powerful it is. So here’s the magic word. Knowledge.

Right now most of you are probably rolling your eyes or about to click the little cross in the top corner of your browser window. But rest assured, if you read on and pick up at least one thing from anything I’ve written, your time has been well spent, and hey after all, it’s free!

Still here? Well, let me break this down a bit then. Most of us are stuck in dead end jobs, paying never-ending bills, and slowly dieing whilst doing it. Sound familiar? Why do you think that is? It’s defiantly not by choice, it’s because for most people, they simply don’t have the knowledge of how to get out of that cycle. So, imagine, just imagine if someone one day dropped the secret to escaping that slow death of working for mediocrity in your lap. Sadly, it’s not going to happen that way. The secret to knowledge is the way you interpret it. No universal plan to escaping your day job is ever going to fit into every individual’s personal planner.

So what now? Stick with the dead end job? Keep a stiff upper lip and live with it?           

Well that option is always available for those who choose it. But, for those of you who are tired of living under the thumb, those who are tired of a steadily growing work load and fast declining value for their hard earned pay, I suggest you take ear.

Knowledge is power, where have you heard that before. Well it wasn’t just spurted out for no reason. It’s absolutely true. But how do we gain it? This is where the hard part comes in, but no doubt, the most fulfilling. You make it happen yourself. To truly be happy you have to live holistically. Fulfill every aspect of what you can achieve, and unsurprisingly, then, and only then, will you feel fulfilled. Sounds hard right? Wrong.
But before I get on to why its wrong, let me just briefly explain what living holistically is.
Not a lot of people live 100% satisfied doing one thing. That is, they put all their eggs in one basket and are content with how things turned out. You have to have balance.
A lot of you have probably heard the phrase “mind, body, spirit” but don’t really give it a lot of thought. I didn’t either, until recently, but only through experience. If you’re constantly working only one aspect of the mind, body or spirit, then you become unbalanced. You don’t have time for the body because you’re too focused on the mind, or vise versa. This is how you get stuck in that terrible desk job crunching numbers all day. So to live holistically, you have to find a balance between the three. Now this is where I think a lot of people get confused. See, my definitions of mind, body and spirits are this.

The mind: Working to further my mind, whether it’s through art, reading, writing, or even just thinking about solutions to problems. That’s the mind covered.

The body: nourishing and using my body to its full potential. I’m a huge fan of exercise, especially lifting heavy weights and mixed martial arts. These are a few of my passions, so when I do them, not only am I making my body and myself happy but im fulfilling another aspect of my holistic style of living,

The spirit: this is probably the most confusing for people, but my interpretation of it is this. The relationships we share with those we love. These are absolutely fulfilling, no doubt.  So that’s why they’re part of our holistic lifestyle. I think a lot of people confuse the spirit part of things with spirituality or religion, and that’s okay. If it is something that you feel leaves you fulfilled, include it.

Now that we’ve covered that, let’s get back to the topic of knowledge.
Well you may or may not have just gained some. I know for me, when I truly started to figure out what living holistically meant for me, it was like having a brick of gold fall from the sky, suddenly it was like, huh, and it’s that easy? Well yes and no. Here’s the no. No it’s not that easy if you’re not willing to work at it, or even try it out. But there is no better way, in my opinion, to gain knowledge than by living holistically. It’s like taking little nuggets of gold from each aspect of your life and adding them to your ever growing pile. Why only add one nugget from one section, when you can add one from each, each day, for free. Sounds better right?

Well that’s what living holistically is, stimulating each aspect of your senses everyday, and growing just that little bit. Once you start, it becomes addictive. In the best kind of way. And the best part? You can go nowhere but up!

By living fully everyday, not only do you gain knowledge, but you open yourself up to experience, experience that shapes your life, and helps you control it. You see, what im giving away here, it’s not hidden knowledge or ancient scrolls. It’s no secret. It’s simple the best method of getting yourself into the state where you can take control of your own life, through the knowledge you gain, and through the way use it.
You can’t run a marathon on a days training. (I should know, a half marathon is hard enough!) And likewise, you can’t escape your own restraints, without first preparing yourself to do so. So if you’re looking for that way out of mundanity and being forever glued to a desk, remember, you can do it, take the steps, live holistically everyday, and soon, you’ll have the know how to power ahead of the pack.

If this helped you, please, leave a comment, inspire someone else and show the world what you’re really capable of!

Jared Dodgson

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Navigate your way to success

Sometimes you can feel lost, emotionally, physically and spiritually, and the feeling is unbearable. Not knowing which direction to take can be one of the biggest hindrance’s to a life full of success.

The key to developing success is being persistent and decisive. You need to know how and when to exert your will, and that can be a strong thing.
Your mentality and your will can be your strongest weapon, so always sharpen those two tools. Add knowledge and mental discipline to your to-do list everyday and ensure your making the most of yourself.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Learn to fail

Today we'll take a look at learning how failure can create success, and how that success can help you avoid the bad types of failure.

Failure is a natural part of life, particularly in the beginning phases of learning anything; you're never going to get something absolutely perfect the first time around. Think about the first time you ever set foot in a gym, the experience probably left you a little disheartened, but after a few trips your bruised ego wasn’t feeling so bad.

Here comes the big fix, prepare yourself for failure, don’t try and avoid it.
If you prepare yourself for failure and have an analytical eye about the mistake's that you made you ensure that the next time around you'll have learned from your experiences.

Break that down:
Prepare to fail
Learn from your failures

It is only through failing that you can see your errors and learn how to fix them. In this way you can ensure you are always keeping an open mind to your abilities and progressing forward in whatever you do.

Move forward with the confidence that you’re not afraid to fail.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We all have questions

Yes, we all have questions, curiosity as to what or why or how we should be doing this or that. But then there are also those deeper questions, like, why am i here, or what can I become or even how can I achieve happiness? These are all legitimate questions, and they all end with one easy answer.

Did you hear that? An easy answer? Well that's right, you see, the answer is easy, coming to terms with how to resolve this answer is the hard part. So what’s the answer? Take a deep breath because here’s where it gets important. The answer is you.

The answer is finding that solace deep within yourself that leads you down the right path, that teaches you how to write that masterpiece and shows you how to do it again and again.

So what am I talking about, you’re probably thinking surely if I had all the answers I wouldn’t be asking these questions. That’s just it, you ask yourself questions because you desire the answer, you desire that perfect life, you desire that dream home and you desire that loving family. So it is your desire's that lead you down any given path.

If you are asking how to be happy it is because you seek that happiness, so in seeking that happiness through question you need simple to look at yourself, like a reference book and think about the things that would make you happy. Maybe a new car would make you happy, or maybe that perfect man or women walking into your life. The thing is, you already know all the answer's you just need to come to the realisation that you have them and then move on to the second step of answering those questions of how to get them. Could I be nicer? Could I smile more? Could I dress better? they are all questions you can ask yourself in determining the answers to your own life question's, and in doing so, you will open yourself up to asking questions more often, so that whenever you seek some beacon of knowledge or desire some material product, you simply look inside and ask yourself, what does it take for me to get it? What must I do? And by asking, you begin to seek, and find and learn how to do it better and better each time.

Remember, you’re working with a brain that isn’t even functioning at 4% of its full potential and yet you remain so bright, if anything could answer the questions you pose, it's you.

Stay curious and never stop asking questions

Jared dodgson