Saturday, October 27, 2012

Think right.

It's been a while since I’ve posted, and for those of you who read and follow me, I apologise. This has been by far one of my busiest years in terms of study and work things colliding and I’ve done my best to make time to post now and then. So yet again, sorry.

I'm reaching out to you this post, because I want you to think. And that's about it. Now it might seem like I’m saying something relatively insignificant, but the truth is that thought is the precursor to what essentially shapes yours and my world. Unconsciously or not.

Now thought is a great and mighty thing, BUT over thinking sucks. And you all know this because you do it all the time. You complicate and riddle your-self with self determined theories of what could happen long before you ever have an opportunity come anywhere near the real outcome, and it's a dream killer.

So what I want you to do if you’re reading this. Sit down, take some time out, and think. Think about an idea, it could be anything, but something to do with your life that might otherwise normally limit you. Now here's the but, and it's a big but. You’re not allowed to put a negative predetermined outcome into your thought. So for example.

If I where to think about finding myself a new house. If I’m predetermining things negatively, straight away I might think something along the lines of “Aw man, I’ll never find a house in this market. Times are just too tough for people and everyone's asking too much...”

That’s a negative pre-determined outcome. And it sets you up to fail. Instead you're going do exactly to opposite. Sit. Develop your thought about whatever your situation may be. But instead of pre-determining things negatively. Make it positive, and then follow the thought for as far as it can carry you. For example, using the same house hunting problem, I may think something along the lines of. “The housing market's ideal right now for me to find a place. I might even be able to snatch up a good deal..." then follow the thought. e.g. “If my new place has a spare room maybe I can use it as an office to start up a home business and build a nest egg. Or maybe I can rent it out to someone" Keep going. Develop your thought as far as they can go and see where they can take you. Perhaps it'll be to greater places.